Flash Rebirth #1 -- I was reading some reviews and forums online, and the general consensus was that the series was off to a "slow start" (Get it? Flash? Slow start? LOL?) -- but for me, it was just fine. There's something like four or five Flashes of different ages and colors running around, and this issue gave me time to get acclimated and remember who's who and what the hell's going on. I'm a sucker for Geoff Johns' writing (loved that chat with Hal), and artist Ethan Van Sciver is just the god-damned man (see: The Flash Museum, the farmland scene, Flash getting his suit out). Dug the slightly WTF ending, too. Looking forward to the rest of this miniseries, with a strong likelihood of giving Geoff Johns even more money month after month for the new Flash series proper.
Scalped #27 -- Jason Aaron did it again, god dammit. He took a character we all hated, and skillfully showed us his sympathetic side. He's just doing this to build us up, get us to know each character before he kills one or more of them. Stupid bastard and his compelling storytelling.

Deadpool #9 -- I talked to Daniel Way at Emerald City, and he told me that he's signed on to write this series at least until issue 24 or so. "Awesome!" I exclaimed, barely masking my girlish glee. I had the same reaction when I heard he's doing an arc coming up wherein Deadpool becomes a pirate.
War of Kings #2 -- I'm thinking about just waiting until I've got this entire series and just reading it all in one go. It might make Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova a bit more confusing, but I'll be damned if I can't figure out which character is which. So, Vulcan is Cyclops' brother, but also somehow King of Shi'ar? Ronin (Ronan?) used to rule the Kree but has stepped down to let Black Bolt in because he and his people are "the future"? Sure, there are sweet space battles with lasers and giant robot men who scream spaceships to death, but what does it mean? I guess if you put it that way, does it even matter?

Irredeemable #1 -- Mark Waid is something of a legend in comics (I guess? I really should read his Flash stuff), but I haven't read anything of his until now. This series is said to chronicle the descent of a boy scout superhero to a seriously evil supervillain. Judging from this guy's actions in the first issue, he's already made some serious headway. After murdering a former superhero comrade and his family, the other capes are all scared shitless. They wonder if they can even stop this guy, if he has any weaknesses at all. Something certainly happened to send this guy over the edge. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out, moreso as to where it goes from there, as an ongoing series.
Boys #29 -- Man, this arc had been plodding along leisurely until the end of issue 28; now that we hit 29, everything has really hit the fan. We learn the reprehensible acts behind the G-Men and their creators, and pulling the camera back even further, the incredible last few pages change the game completely with a twist that will no doubt affect the remainder of this series. Really cool stuff.
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