Huge week, for me. I'll try to keep these shorter than last week. But no promises! Promises are for politicians and girlfriends.
Green Lantern Corps #34 -- The delays for the regular Green Lantern series have finally started affecting the Corps, as the Red Lantern that Kilowog brings in seems to have been apprehended in some mystical future issue. That's some Lost shit right there. An uneven issue, if only for the talky first third and the hardcore balls-to-the-wall brawl that follows it. Uneven isn't the right word, because that implies "bad". But it's too late now! The delete key is for college kids and the morning after drunk-texting.
Young Liars #13 -- This continues to be the most batshit insane series around. This issue follows last month's crazy ambiguous installment (which followed a similarly world-upside-down-turner issue itself) , and follows Johnny/Danny six months after he leaves a mental hospital. Danny is trying to piece things together at the same time the reader is, which I think might also qualify as "Lost shit, right there". It's hard to explain this series to anyone beyond "ludicrous" and "brilliant".
Ghost Rider #33 -- For the start of an arc, this issue doesn't really "go" anywhere or set much of anything up (beyond "let's take down Zadkiel"), but it sure is awesome. We get to see what the new Caretaker has seen -- Ghost Riders throughout history. Tony Moore seriously knocks it out of the park -- a Tommy gun-wielding Ghost Rider in the prohibition era, pilgrim Ghost Riders chasing down witchhunters, an ace dogfighter Ghost Flyer in WWI, a group of Ghost Tankies in WWII, Ghost Riders from what seems like a Mad Maxian future. If crazy crap like that sounds sweet to you, you need to read this series. If not, you are officially not coming to my birthday party.
Guardians of the Galaxy #11 -- I should thank Marvel for these first-page recaps, because I totally forgot that Drax and Phyla were killed somehow. Well, not killed, really, as much as in some sort of purgatory, or something? It doesn't matter, because there are huge black dragons, Captain Marvel zombies and Drax being the badass Space Kratos that he is.
Fables #82 -- (spoilers herein) I wouldn't say this issue is as much as an "epilogue issue" that it claims to be; it's really more what you'd call "filler before the huge crossover next month". Basically, it's hammered home that yes, Boy Blue is really dead. And we finally end that little miniseries that's been eating a few pages of the the last five issues. Maybe it'll read better if they paste it all together in a trade, but I could never bring myself to do more than skim it, at best.
Action Comics #875 -- And the Kryptonian Nightwing and Flamebird are... umm, people I've never really heard of? The girl is the daughter of a couple of Zod's original crew, and the guy's name is Chris, I guess? I should really check a forum to see what the hell is going on. Anyway, I'm gonna stick around to see how Rucka handles this scavenger hunt for the evil Kryptonian agents that Zod's left around earth. Side note: I dig the "power suits".
Battle for the Cowl #1 -- It's a bit sad that I don't exactly want to read this series as much as I just want to know what happens so I can be filled in when the new series start up in June. I'm probably just going to stick with Detective and Batman, pick up Morrison and Quitely's Batman and Robin and mayybe Dini's Gotham City Sirens. Tony Daniel's doing alright; I often enjoy reading works by a writer/artist, even if they can be a bit self-indulgent sometimes.
DMZ #40 -- Brian Wood has said that this arc points to the end of the series, wrapping up around issue 60 or so. The escalation between the two (now three... four?) groups has come gradually and naturally, but it feels like things are really accelerating now. This issue is definitely a lot quieter than you'd expect after the big reveal last month, but the calm deliberation is sort of a nice surprise. I predict that the next year and a half or so will be spent growing Matty into something other than the little brat he is currently. Next month I guess we'll see what's up with Zee, and if she killed herself or whatnot? I was confused by the offhanded comments and dreams in the last couple issues.
Scalped #26 -- Not as good as the last issue, but that was probably my favorite single issue of my favorite series currently running. So, Jason Aaron, I officially forgive you. It still was a strong read, trying its hardest to wring out some sympathy for the murdering bastard Diesel. It worked, dammit. But only a little! I usually reserve those kinds of feelings for crying girls and dogs at the Humane Society.
That Ghost Rider sounds badass, and I can already totally imagine that series as written by Mr. Aaron. I'll have to pick some up if any issues ever come into my job.
ReplyDeleteAlso, let me know what you're on the look out for graphic novel-wise and I can snag whatever I find at my job.